OSPA By-laws
Last updated 05-02-19
The Oregon School Personnel Association (OSPA) is committed to the goal of promoting exemplary practices in personnel administration and employee relations in public, private, and postsecondary education. OSPA shall seek to represent the needs of its members by providing programs and communications specifically designed to keep its members informed of personnel practices which will enable them to be effective in their work.
Section 1: Affiliation
The name of this organization shall be the Oregon School Personnel Association. This association is an independent organization of school personnel/human resource staff members and is an affiliate of the American Association of School Personnel Administrators.
Section 1: Purpose
The purpose of the Oregon School Personnel Association shall be to:
a. Foster the staffing of Oregon school systems with the highest qualified individuals.
b. Encourage and assist in the development and utilization of exemplary school personnel administration practices.
Section 2: Policy
The Oregon School Personnel Association shall attempt to achieve its purposes through the exchange of information and study of school personnel administration, but may take action on governmental issues and in other areas where so doing would further the major purposes of the Association.
Section 3: Internal Revenue
The Oregon School Personnel Association is organized and shall at all times be operated exclusively for educational and charitable purposes as described in Section 501(c)(6) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 and the Regulations thereunder.
Section 1: Active Membership
Active membership in the Association shall be for those individuals with responsibilities for personnel administration and related functions in public, private, or postsecondary school systems in the State of Oregon.
Section 2: Retired Membership
An active member who has retired shall be eligible for retired membership.
ARTICLE IV - Governance
Section 1: Board of Directors
The Board of Directors shall consist of the President, President-Elect, the immediate Past President, the Secretary/Treasurer, and the Regional Representatives. It shall be responsible for the general direction of the Association's business including the scheduling and planning of programs, budgeting and disbursement of funds, adoption of policy, and the initiation of projects consistent with the purpose of the Association. It may contract for the services of an Executive Director and such other persons as are necessary to carry out the direction of the Board of Directors. The affirmative vote of five members of the Board of Directors is required to approve any action.
The Section 2: Election of Officers
The officers shall be a President, a President-Elect, a Past President, and a Secretary/Treasurer. The President-Elect shall be elected for three years, serving as President-Elect one year, as President the succeeding year, and as Past President the third year. The Secretary/Treasurer shall be elected for a two-year term in even numbered years. Officers shall be elected by the general membership in attendance at the last statewide meeting of the school year and shall take office July 1. If any officer is unable to complete his/her term of office, a replacement shall be chosen by the Board of Directors to complete the unexpired term of office.
Section 3: Regional Representatives
The state shall be divided into five regions, as determined by the Board of Directors. The regions will be centered in Eastern Oregon, Southern Oregon, Western Oregon, Central Oregon, and Northwest Oregon. Each region shall select a Representative prior to the last statewide membership meeting of the school year, and Representatives will serve for two years beginning at that meeting. The Central, Eastern and Western regions will select Representatives in odd numbered years, and the South and Northwest regions will select their Representatives in even numbered years. Any member of the association may elect to participate in the region of his/her choice. In the event that a Representative is unable to complete his/her term of office an interim successor may be appointed by the Board of Directors until a meeting can be convened by the region to elect a successor. If the unexpired term is for less than six months, the region may move to elect the successor for the next two year term in addition to the interim position.
Section 4: The President
The President shall preside at meetings of the organization, and of the Board of Directors, and chair the Nominating Committee, in addition to other responsibilities outlined in these by-laws and as authorized by the Board of Directors.
Section 5: The President-Elect
The President-Elect shall chair the Professional Growth Committee, and in the absence or incapacity of the President, assume all powers and perform all duties of that office.
Section 6: The Secretary/Treasurer
The Secretary/Treasurer shall record and distribute to the membership appropriate minutes of all meetings.
Section 7: The Regional Representatives
The Regional Representatives will provide for communications between the Board of Directors and their region, preside at regional meetings, and represent the viewpoint of the members of his/her region to the Board of Directors.
Section 1: General Membership Meetings
Unless otherwise determined by the Board of Directors, there will be two meetings of the membership annually:
a. Each fall the Association will hold Regional meetings during the month of September.
b. Each spring the Association will hold a Spring Conference.
Section 2: Regional Meetings
Each region will normally meet a minimum of two times during the school year, at times and places to be determined by the region.
Section 3: Board of Directors Meetings
The Board of Directors will meet a minimum of four times annually.
Section 4: There shall be three standing committees and such other special committees as shall be deemed necessary by the President.
a. Professional Growth Committee
The President-Elect, with staff support, shall chair the professional growth committee. The committee will develop conferences and other activities that will assist the membership in meeting the purposes of the association.
b. Nominating Committee
The President shall chair a nominating committee, consisting of the President and two other members appointed by the Board of Directors.
c. Legislative Committee:
The President shall appoint the Legislative Committee, which will be chaired by the Past-President. The Committee will coordinate the legislative activities of the Association.
Section 5: As appropriate the President will appoint members to serve as observers or in a liaison relationship with other associations and agencies, such as the Teacher Standards and Practices Commission, the Oregon School Boards Association, the Confederation of School Administrators, and the Fair Dismissal Appeals Board. Committees, observers, and individuals in a liaison relationship will, at appropriate times, make reports to the Board of Directors and the membership.
Section 6: In all matters of parliamentary procedure not covered by these bylaws, the provisions of Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern the Association.
Section 1: Dues
Dues for active membership shall be set by the Board of Directors, subject to the approval of a majority of the members in attendance at any meeting. Dues, if any, shall be payable no later than the first meeting of the year in September. The Board of Directors shall establish dues for retired membership.
Section 2: Budget
The budget shall be the responsibility of the Board of Directors and shall be approved prior to July 1 of each year. The budget will include sufficient funds to reimburse the President for actual expenses for travel, meals, lodging, and registration to attend the annual meeting of the American Association of School Personnel Administrators, subject to the approval of the Board of Directors.
Section 3: Expenditures
Expenditures of Association funds shall be as authorized by the Executive Director within the adopted budget. In his or her absence, the President may authorize expenditures.
Section 4: The fiscal year shall be July 1 through June 30.
Section 1: Report of the Nominating Committee
The recommendations of the Nominating Committee shall be presented at the last membership meeting of the year. The Committee shall submit at least one nominee for each office as necessary. The President-Elect shall succeed to the presidency of the year following his/her term as President-Elect. Immediately following the presentation of the report, any voting member may make nominations from the floor providing the consent of the nominee has been secured.
Section 2: Elections
Elections shall be by ballot, except that when there is only one nominee for an office the Secretary/Treasurer may be instructed to cast the ballot for the nominee. A majority vote of those members attending the meeting shall constitute an election.
Section 1:
Upon dissolution of the Association assets shall be distributed for one or more exempt purposes within the meaning of Section 501(c)(6) of the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding section of any future federal tax code, or shall be distributed to the American Association of School Personnel Administrators. Any such assets not so disposed of shall be disposed of by the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, exclusively for such purposes or to such organization or organizations, as said court shall determine, which are organized and operated exclusively for such purposes.
These Bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds vote of members present and voting at any regular meeting.